Today is 13th day of Kiwi Challenge day. Since I have quite a lot of super ripe kiwifruits, I am making them into kiwi jam for storage rather then let them rotten. This is relatively easy to make jam, 4 ingredients and preparation time is less than 30 minutes.

Here is my recipe of Homemade Kiwifruits jam
1 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup of lemon juice
2 tsp jelly powder
- Peel kiwifruits and mashed it with fork into puree. If may also use blender to blend into puree, but remember do not over crush the kiwi seed as you will feel tart taste.
- Sprinkle and mix with caster sugar and lemon juice.
- Pour the mixture onto the hot pot and cook until the liquid dry out.
- Approximately cook for 20 minutes using medium heat, sprinkle the jelly powder on it.
- Until you see the jam look mixture, remove from heat and let it cold down in another seperate clean bowl.
- Once cold, keep the jam in the sterilized jam botol and refrigerate it.