Fresh fig??? Never know what's the taste like, what I know is an ancient fruit much enjoyed by Cleopatra and Ulysses when I read those story book before.
Basically, fig is a soft bell-shaped fruit with slightly wrinkled, leathery skin. They can be eaten fresh or dried. Their high sugar content puts figs among the sweetest of fruits. Each fig 'fruit' is actually an enclosed flower head containing many tiny flowers and seeds.
After trying my first fig taste ice-cream during my Dubai trip, it inspired me to buy these new figs in Australia and incorporate into my bakes. Seriously speaking, whenever I see figs during shopping, I do not even think to buy them as firstly the price is too pricey (AUD17.90/kg) and also have the impression of its taste not nice base on their look.
Cut into half, brightest pink fruit flesh, incredible. A fresh fig tastes like a mix of a peach and a strawberry!