Today I pay a visit to an orphanage which located in Miri (Sarawak), something I've never done in my life before. Indeed this is always my wish, hope I am able to do some charity physically but not only monetary basis. I've planned this visit since last week, thinking to bake something special for the kids. In the end, decided to do handmade painted cookies for them.
This orphanage is called "Methodist Children's Home", these children (aged between 8-20 years old) who are taken in will have a wholesome upbringing and growth with well equipped facilities and well trained carers. I am impressed about the way this orphanage is organized. There is a special rented bungalow house for these children and it's connected directly to their care takers' house (Mr Ling & his wife), they are such a lovely couples, introduced me and one of my colleague (Diana) to all these 18 kids. I passed all my handmade cookies to them and they are just in cloud nine. Seriously their compliments are more than anything, some of them even wants more but unfortunately I only baked for enough.
The photo below are my own creations specially for them, decorating with lovely packaging to ease the distribution. These are just simple sugar cookies, dipped in Royal Icing, allowed to dry naturally. I don't plan for specific theme, I just paint whatever comes into my mind at that time.

Tel: 085-663072
Ann:Yes, indeed these children are delighted, some even want more :)